This is Jade (right) and her brother Ben.

Today is Jade’s birthday. I’m buying the gang some time for Jade’s surprise birthday party. I’ll be taking the Leetzs on a blind art experiment for two hours or so.

They trust me, or so. They’re an experiment of the Third kind.

Alpha & Bravo went swimmingly.

C A N O N S U R E S H O T | 3 8 M M

I S O 4 0 0

I n d i a n a p o l i s , I n d i a n a

T r i s t a n G e n t i l e

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 Jade loved America.

I muted their senses with some bandanas and headphones. So So.

I made a playlist for the occasion.


I was their chauffeur in my Town Car banshee.

I passed interesting textures and flavors to their hands.

Fruits, Candy, Mochi, Jokes.

Some were slightly chauffer.

Yo that’s Joe. He was in charge of the sushi. Should be obvious.
Regan (left) is to this party as George Plooney’s character is to Oceans 11 - ok?
Jocelyn (right) was to balloon placement as Brad Titt was to eating in every scene - got it?
Creamers making sure there aren’t any cars in here.

When they arrived at a destination, the blindfolds came off.

They stared and floated in this first space. Sat and pondered the lights like le fleurs.

Imagine liquid glow, bouncing bubble auras seeping thru clouds at night.

Eye candy and an All You Can Hear sweet tunes buffet.

The rest of the night unfolded like a decent short film.

These last words take up space.



 Jade engulfs the bomb salmon and avocado rice, a mini crescendo.  Don’t tell though - she’s vegan and doesn’t know her willingness to eat an animal was part of the experiment.
Doesn’t puke until she realized her bandana was the American flag.
Ben was a homie. He liked eating politics and talkin’ takis.
 This was a fun chapter in my life. I no longer see these people but I run into the reasons I met them from time to time. Amen.

On to bigger adventures, Yes?


Pluto's Plant Party


Palm Desert